MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
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9 #ifdef W_MPI
10  #include <mpi.h>
11 #endif
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include "mapmat.h"
43 int MatInit(Mat *A, int m, int nnz, int *indices, double *values, int flag
44 #ifdef W_MPI
45 , MPI_Comm comm
46 #endif
47 ){
48  int err;
49  MatSetIndices(A, m, nnz, indices);
51  MatSetValues(A, m, nnz, values);
53  err = MatLocalShape(A, 3); // compute lindices (local columns) (method 3 = counting sort)
55 #ifdef W_MPI
56  err = MatComShape(A, flag, comm); // build communication scheme
57 #endif
58  return err;
59 }
70 void MatSetIndices(Mat *A, int m, int nnz, int *indices){
71  A->m = m; // set number of local rows
72  A->nnz = nnz; // set number of non-zero values per row
73  A->indices = indices; // point to indices
74 }
85 void MatSetValues(Mat *A, int m, int nnz, double *values){
86  int err;
87  A->m = m; // set number of local rows
88  A->nnz = nnz; // set number of non-zero values per row
89  A->values = values; // point to values
90 }
99 void MatFree(Mat *A){
100  free(A->lindices);
101 #if W_MPI
102  switch(A->flag){
103  case NONE :
104  break;
105  case BUTTERFLY :
106  free(A->com_indices); //
107  free(A->R); //
108  free(A->nR); //
109  free(A->S); //
110  free(A->nS);
111  break;
112  case RING :
113  free(A->R); //
114  free(A->nR); //
115  free(A->S); //
116  free(A->nS);
117  break;
118  case NONBLOCKING :
119  free(A->R); //
120  free(A->nR); //
121  free(A->S); //
122  free(A->nS);
123  break;
124  case NOEMPTY :
125  free(A->R); //
126  free(A->nR); //
127  free(A->S); //
128  free(A->nS);
129  break;
130  case ALLTOALLV :
131  break;
132  case ALLREDUCE :
133  free(A->com_indices); //
134  free(A->R); //
135  free(A->nR); //
136  free(A->S); //
137  free(A->nS);
138  break;
139  }
140 #endif
141 }
153 int MatLoad(Mat *mat, char *filename){
154  int err;
155  int rank;
156 #if W_MPI
157  MPI_Comm_rank(mat->comm, &rank);
158 #else
159  rank=0;
160 #endif
161  FILE *in;
162  char fn[100];
163  int i=0;
164  sprintf(fn, "%s_%d.dat", filename, rank);
165  printf("%s", fn);
166  in=fopen(fn,"r");
167  if(in==NULL){
168  printf("cannot open file %s", fn);
169  return 1;
170  }
171  while(feof(in)== 0 && i< (mat->m * mat->nnz)){
172  if(mat->nnz==1){
173  fscanf(in, "%d %lf", &(mat->indices[i]), &(mat->values[i]));
174  }
175  else if(mat->nnz==2){
176  fscanf(in, "%d %lf %d %lf", &(mat->indices[i]), &(mat->values[i]), &(mat->indices[i+1]), &(mat->values[i+1]));
177  }
178  else{
179  return 1; //(nnz > 2) not implement
180  }
181  i+=mat->nnz;
182  }
183  if(i!= mat->m * mat->nnz ){
184  printf("WARNNING data size doesn't fit\n");
185  }
186  fclose(in);
187  return 0;
188 }
201 int MatSave(Mat *mat, char *filename){
202  FILE *out;
203  char fn [100];
204  int i,j;
205  int rank;
206 #if W_MPI
207  MPI_Comm_rank(mat->comm, &rank);
208 #else
209  sprintf(fn,"%s_%d.dat", filename, rank);
210 #endif
211  out=fopen(fn,"w");
212  if(out==NULL){
213  printf("cannot open file %s", fn);
214  return 1;
215  }
216  for(i=0; i < (mat->nnz * mat->m); i+=mat->nnz){
217  for(j=0; j< mat->nnz ; j++){
218  fprintf(out,"%d ",mat->indices[i+j]);
219  fprintf(out,"%f ", mat->values[i+j]);
220  }
221  fprintf(out, "\n");
222  }
223  fclose(out);
224  return 0;
225 }
239 int MatLocalShape(Mat *A, int sflag){
240  int *tmp_indices;
242  tmp_indices = (int *) malloc(A->m * A->nnz * sizeof(int)); //allocate a tmp copy of indices tab to sort
243  memcpy(tmp_indices, A->indices, A->m * A->nnz * sizeof(int)); //copy
245 // A->lcount = omp_psort(tmp_indices, A->m * A->nnz, sflag); //sequential sort tmp_indices
246  A->lcount = ssort(tmp_indices, A->m * A->nnz, sflag); //sequential sort tmp_indices
248  A->lindices = (int *) malloc( A->lcount * sizeof(int));
249  memcpy(A->lindices, tmp_indices, A->lcount * sizeof(int)); //copy tmp_indices into lindices and free
250  free(tmp_indices);
252  sindex(A->lindices, A->lcount, A->indices, A->nnz * A->m);
253  return 0;
254 }
260 #if W_MPI
265 int MatComShape(Mat *A, int flag, MPI_Comm comm){
266  int size;
267  int i, min, max, j;
268  A->comm = comm; // set communivcator
269  A->flag=flag;
270  MPI_Comm_size(A->comm, &size);
271  if(A->flag==BUTTERFLY && is_pow_2(size)!=0)
272  A->flag=RING;
273  switch(A->flag){
274  case BUTTERFLY :
275  A->steps = log_2(size);
276  A->S = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate sending maps tab
277  A->R = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate receiving maps tab
278  A->nS = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate sending map sizes tab
279  A->nR = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate receiving map size tab
280  butterfly_init(A->lindices, A->lcount, A->R, A->nR, A->S, A->nS, &(A->com_indices), &(A->com_count), A->steps, A->comm);
281  break;
282  case RING :
283  A->steps = size;
284  A->S = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate sending maps tab
285  A->R = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate receiving maps tab
286  A->nS = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate sending map sizes tab
287  A->nR = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate receiving map size tab
288  ring_init(A->lindices, A->lcount, A->R, A->nR, A->S, A->nS, A->steps, A->comm);
289  A->com_count = A->lcount;
290  A->com_indices = A->lindices;
291  break;
292  case NONBLOCKING :
293  A->steps = size;
294  A->S = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate sending maps tab
295  A->R = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate receiving maps tab
296  A->nS = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate sending map sizes tab
297  A->nR = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate receiving map size tab
298  ring_init(A->lindices, A->lcount, A->R, A->nR, A->S, A->nS, A->steps, A->comm);
299  A->com_count = A->lcount;
300  A->com_indices = A->lindices;
301  break;
302  case NOEMPTY :
303  A->steps = size;
304  A->S = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate sending maps tab
305  A->R = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate receiving maps tab
306  A->nS = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate sending map sizes tab
307  A->nR = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate receiving map size tab
308  ring_init(A->lindices, A->lcount, A->R, A->nR, A->S, A->nS, A->steps, A->comm);
309  A->com_count = A->lcount;
310  A->com_indices = A->lindices;
311  break;
312  case ALLTOALLV :
313  A->steps = size;
314  A->S = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate sending maps tab
315  A->R = (int** ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int* )); //allocate receiving maps tab
316  A->nS = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate sending map sizes tab
317  A->nR = (int* ) malloc(A->steps * sizeof(int)); //allocate receiving map size tab
318  ring_init(A->lindices, A->lcount, A->R, A->nR, A->S, A->nS, A->steps, A->comm);
319  A->com_count = A->lcount;
320  A->com_indices = A->lindices;
321  break;
322  case ALLREDUCE :
323  MPI_Allreduce(&A->lindices[A->lcount-1], &max, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, A->comm); //maximum index
324  MPI_Allreduce(&A->lindices[0], &min, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, A->comm); //
325  A->com_count=(max-min+1);
326  A->com_indices = (int *) malloc(A->lcount * sizeof(int)); //warning
327  i=0;
328  j=0;
329  while( j<A->com_count && i<A->lcount){ //same as subsetmap for a coutiguous set
330  if(min+j < A->lindices[i]){
331  j++;
332  }
333  else{
334  A->com_indices[i]=j;
335  i++;
336  j++;
337  }
338  }
339  break;
340  }
341  return 0;
342 }
343 #endif
352 int MatVecProd(Mat *A, double *x, double* y, int pflag){
353  int i, j, e;
354  for(i=0; i<A->m; i++) //
355  y[i] = 0.0;
357  e=0;
358  for(i=0; i<A->m*A->nnz; i+=A->nnz){ //
359  for(j=0; j<A->nnz; j++){ //
360  y[e] += A->values[i+j] * x[A->indices[i+j]];
361  }
362  e++;
363  }
364  return 0;
365 };
368 #ifdef W_MPI
380 int TrMatVecProd_Naive(Mat *A, double *y, double* x, int pflag){
381  int i, j, e, rank, size;
382  int *rbuf, rbufcount;
383  double *rbufvalues, *lvalues;
384  int p, rp, sp, tag;
385  MPI_Request s_request, r_request;
386  MPI_Status status;
388  MPI_Comm_rank(A->comm, &rank); //get rank and size of the communicator
389  MPI_Comm_size(A->comm, &size); //
390  lvalues = (double *) malloc( A->lcount *sizeof(double)); //allocate and set local values to 0.0
391  for(i=0; i < A->lcount; i++) //
392  lvalues[i]=0.0; //
394  e=0;
395  for(i=0; i<A->m; i++){ //local transform reduces
396  for(j=0; j<A->nnz; j++){ //
397  lvalues[A->indices[i*A->nnz+j]] += (A->values[i*A->nnz+j]) * y[i];
398  }
399  }
401  memcpy(x, lvalues, (A->lcount)*sizeof(double)); //copy local values into the result*/
402  MPI_Allreduce(&(A->lcount), &(rbufcount), 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, A->comm); //find the max communication buffer sizes, and allocate
404  rbuf = (int *) malloc(rbufcount * sizeof(int));
405  rbufvalues = (double *) malloc(rbufcount * sizeof(double));
407  tag=0;
408  for (p=1; p < size; p++){ //loop : collective global reduce in ring-like fashion
409  rp = (size + rank - p)%size;
410  sp = (rank + p)%size;
411  MPI_Send(&(A->lcount), 1, MPI_INT, sp, 0, A->comm); //exchange sizes
412  MPI_Recv(&rbufcount, 1, MPI_INT, rp, 0, A->comm, &status);
413  tag++;
414  MPI_Irecv(rbuf, rbufcount, MPI_INT, rp, tag, A->comm, &r_request); //exchange local indices
415  MPI_Isend(A->lindices, A->lcount, MPI_INT, sp, tag, A->comm, &s_request);
416  MPI_Wait(&r_request, &status);
417  MPI_Wait(&s_request, &status);
418  tag++;
419  MPI_Irecv(rbufvalues, rbufcount, MPI_DOUBLE, rp, tag, A->comm, &r_request); //exchange local values
420  MPI_Isend(lvalues, A->lcount, MPI_DOUBLE, sp, tag, A->comm, &s_request);
421  tag++;
422  MPI_Wait(&r_request, &status);
423  m2m_sum(rbufvalues, rbuf, rbufcount, x, A->lindices, A->lcount); //sum in the result
424  MPI_Wait(&s_request, &status);
425  }
426  free(lvalues);
427  return 0;
428 }
429 #endif
445 int TrMatVecProd(Mat *A, double *y, double* x, int pflag){
446  double *sbuf, *rbuf;
447  int i, j, k, e;
448  int nSmax, nRmax;
449  double *lvalues;
451  for(i=0; i < A->lcount; i++) //refresh vector
452  x[i]=0.0; //
454  e=0;
455  for(i=0; i< A->m*A->nnz; i+=A->nnz){ //local transform reduce
456  for(j=0; j< A->nnz; j++){
457  x[A->indices[i+j]] += A->values[i+j] * y[e]; //
458  } //
459  e++; //
460  } //
462 #ifdef W_MPI
463  greedyreduce(A, x); //global reduce
464 #endif
465  return 0;
466 }
473 #ifdef W_MPI
480 int MatInfo(Mat *mat, int verbose, char *filename){
481  FILE *out;
482  int *n;
483  int *sr;
484  int *s;
485  int nnzline, sparsity, maxline, maxsize;
486  int i, j, k;
487  char fn [100];
488  int rank, size;
489  int master=0;
490  MPI_Comm_rank(mat->comm, &rank);
491  MPI_Comm_size(mat->comm, &size);
494  if(rank==master){ //master process saves data into filename_info.txt
495  sprintf(fn,"%s_%s", filename, "info.txt");
496  out=fopen(fn,"w");
497  if(out==NULL){
498  printf("cannot open file %s\n", fn);
499  return 1;
500  }
501  printf("open file %s ...", fn);
502  fprintf(out, "flag %d\n", mat->flag); //print matirx main description : flag (communication scheme),
503  fprintf(out, "rows %d\n ", mat->m); //rows per process,
504  fprintf(out, "nnz %d\n", mat->nnz); //nnz (number of non zero per row).
505  fprintf(out, "\n"); //separator
506  }
508  n = (int* ) calloc(mat->lcount,sizeof(int)); //allocate
509  //printf("before gather %d\n", rank);
510  MPI_Gather(&(mat->lcount), 1, MPI_INT, n, 1, MPI_INT, master, mat->comm); //gather nbnonempty cols
511  //printf("after gather %d\n", rank);
513  if(rank==master){ //master process saves data into filename_info.txt
514  fprintf(out, "cols :\n"); //nnz (number of non zero per row).
515  for(i=0; i<size; i++) //
516  fprintf(out, "%d ", n[i]); //non-empty columns per process.
517  fprintf(out, "\n"); //
518  }
519  free(n); //free allocated tabs
521  nnzline = 0; //compute communication sparsity and maximum message size
522  maxline = 0; //
523  for(i=0; i<mat->steps; i++){ //
524  if(mat->nS[i]==0){ //
525  nnzline +=1; //
526  } //
527  else{ //
528  if(mat->nS[i]>maxline) //
529  maxline = mat->nS[i]; //
530  } //
531  } //
532  MPI_Reduce(&nnzline, &sparsity, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, mat->comm); //sparsity
533  MPI_Reduce(&maxline, &maxsize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, mat->comm); //imaximum message size
534  if(rank==master){ //master process saves data into filename_info.txt
535  fprintf(out, "sparsity %d\n", sparsity); //
536  fprintf(out, "maxsize %d\n ", maxsize); //
537  fprintf(out, "\n"); //separator
538  } //
540  s = (int* ) calloc((mat->steps),sizeof(int)); //allocate steps
541  MPI_Reduce(mat->nS, s, mat->steps, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, mat->comm); //imaximum message size
543  if(rank==master){ //master process saves data into filename_info.txt
544  fprintf(out, "sumsteps :\n"); //nnz (number of non zero per row).
545  for(i=0; i<mat->steps; i++) //
546  fprintf(out, "%d ", s[i]); //non-empty columns per process.
547  fprintf(out, "\n"); //
548  }
549  free(s);
551  if(verbose==1){
552  sr = (int* ) calloc((mat->steps)*size,sizeof(int)); //allocate send/receive matrix
553  //printf("before gather %d\n", rank);
554  MPI_Gather(mat->nS, mat->steps, MPI_INT, sr, mat->steps, MPI_INT, master, mat->comm); //gather nbnonempty cols
555  //printf("after gather %d\n", rank);
557  if(rank==master){ //master process saves data into filename_info.txt
558  fprintf(out, "send/receive matrix\n"); //separator
559  for(i=0; i<size; i++){ //print collective description :
560  if(mat->flag==BUTTERFLY){ //send-receive matrix
561  for(j=0; j<size; j++){ //print send/receive matrix
562  if(j>i){
563  if(is_pow_2(j-i)==0)
564  fprintf(out,"%d ", sr[i*(mat->steps)+log_2(j-i)]);
565  else
566  fprintf(out,"%d ", 0);
567  }
568  else if(i>j){
569  if(is_pow_2(size+j-i)==0)
570  fprintf(out,"%d ", sr[i*(mat->steps)+log_2(size+j-i)]);
571  else
572  fprintf(out,"%d ", 0);
573  }
574  else{
575  fprintf(out,"%d ", 0);
576  }
577  }
578  fprintf(out, "\n");
579  }
580  else{
581  for(j=0; j<size; j++){ //print send/receive matrix
582  if(j>i){
583  fprintf(out,"%d ", sr[i*(mat->steps)+j-i]);
584  }
585  else if(i>j){
586  fprintf(out,"%d ", sr[(i+1)*(mat->steps)-i+j]);
587  }
588  else{
589  fprintf(out,"%d ", 0);
590  }
591  }
592  fprintf(out, "\n");
593  }
594  }
595  }
596  free(sr);
597  }
599  if(rank==master){ //master process saves data into filename_info.txt
600  fclose(out);
601  printf("close\n", fn);
602  }
603  return 0;
604 }
605 #endif
609 #if W_MPI
610 int greedyreduce(Mat *A, double* x){
611  int i, j, k;
612  int nSmax, nRmax;
613  double *lvalues;
614  lvalues = (double *) malloc(A->lcount *sizeof(double)); //allocate and set to 0.0 local values
615  memcpy(lvalues, x, (A->lcount) *sizeof(double)); //copy local values into result values
616  double *com_val;
617  double *out_val;
618  int ne=0;
619  switch(A->flag){
620  case BUTTERFLY :
621  for(k=0; k< A->steps; k++) //compute max communication buffer size
622  if(A->nR[k] > nRmax)
623  nRmax = A->nR[k];
624  for(k=0; k< A->steps; k++)
625  if(A->nS[k] > nSmax)
626  nSmax = A->nS[k];
627  com_val=(double *) malloc( A->com_count *sizeof(double));
628  for(i=0; i < A->com_count; i++)
629  com_val[i]=0.0;
630  m2m(lvalues, A->lindices, A->lcount, com_val, A->com_indices, A->com_count);
631  butterfly_reduce(A->R, A->nR, nRmax, A->S, A->nS, nSmax, com_val, A->steps, A->comm);
632  m2m(com_val, A->com_indices, A->com_count, x, A->lindices, A->lcount);
633  free(com_val);
634  break;
635  case RING :
636  for(k=1; k< A->steps; k++) //compute max communication buffer size
637  if(A->nR[k] > nRmax)
638  nRmax = A->nR[k];
639  nSmax = nRmax;
640  ring_reduce(A->R, A->nR, nRmax, A->S, A->nS, nSmax, lvalues, x, A->steps, A->comm);
641  break;
642  case NONBLOCKING :
643  ring_nonblocking_reduce(A->R, A->nR, A->S, A->nS, lvalues, x, A->steps, A->comm);
644  break;
645  case NOEMPTY :
646  for(k=1; k< A->steps; k++)
647  if(A->nR[k]!=0)
648  ne++;
649  ring_noempty_reduce(A->R, A->nR, ne, A->S, A->nS, ne, lvalues, x, A->steps, A->comm);
650  break;
651  case ALLREDUCE :
652  com_val=(double *) malloc( A->com_count *sizeof(double));
653  out_val=(double *) malloc( A->com_count *sizeof(double));
654  for(i=0; i < A->com_count; i++){
655  com_val[i]=0.0;
656  out_val[i]=0.0;
657  }
658  s2m(com_val, lvalues, A->com_indices, A->lcount);
659  /*for(i=0; i < A->com_count; i++){
660  printf("%lf ", com_val[i]);
661  } */
662  MPI_Allreduce(com_val, out_val, A->com_count, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, A->comm); //maximum index
663  /*for(i=0; i < A->com_count; i++){
664  printf("%lf ", out_val[i]);
665  } */
666  m2s(out_val, x, A->com_indices, A->lcount); //sum receive buffer into values
667  free(com_val);
668  free(out_val);
669  break;
670  }
671  free(lvalues);
672  return 0;
673 }
674 #endif