MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
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8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 //int per page size
11 #define PAGE 1024
18 void insertion_sort(int *indices, int count){
19  int i, j;
20  int tmp;
21  for(i=0; i<count-1 ; i++){
22  tmp = indices[i+1];
23  j=i;
24  while(j != -1 && tmp < indices[j]){
25  indices[j+1] = indices[j];
26  indices[j]=tmp;
27  j--;
28  }
29  }
30 }
40 void quick_sort(int *indices, int left, int right){
41  int pivot;
42  int tmp, key;
43  int i,j;
44  if (left<right){
45  key=indices[left];
46  i=left+1;
47  j=right;
48  while(i<=j){
49  while((i<=right) && (indices[i]<=key)) i++;
50  while ((j>left) && (indices[j]>key)) j--;
51  if(i<j){
52  tmp=indices[i];
53  indices[i] = indices[j];
54  indices[j] = tmp;
55  i++;
56  j--;
57  }
58  }
59  tmp=indices[left];
60  indices[left] = indices[j];
61  indices[j] = tmp;
62  pivot = j;
63  quick_sort(indices, left, pivot-1);
64  quick_sort(indices, pivot+1, right);
65  }
66 }
73 void bubble_sort(int *indices, int count){
74  int i, j, tmp;
75  for (i=(count-1); i>0; i--){
76  for (j = 1; j <= i; j++){
77  if (indices[j-1] > indices[j]){
78  tmp = indices[j-1];
79  indices[j-1] = indices[j];
80  indices[j] = tmp;
81  }
82  }
83  }
84 }
95 int counting_sort(int *indices, int count){
96  int *buf;
97  int i, j, k;
98  int min, max;
99  min=indices[0];
100  max=indices[0];
101  for(i=1; i<count ; i++){
102  if(indices[i]>max){
103  max=indices[i];
104  }
105  else{
106  if(indices[i]<min)
107  min=indices[i];
108  }
109  }
110  buf = (int *) calloc(max-min+1, sizeof(int));
111  for(i=0; i<count ; i++){
112  buf[indices[i]-min]=1;
113  }
114  j=0;
115  for(i=0; i<(max-min+1) ; i++){
116  if(buf[i]==1){
117  indices[j]=min+i;
118  j++;
119  }
120  }
121  free(buf);
122  return j;
123 }
129 void shell_sort(int *a,int n){
130  int j,i,k,m,mid;
131  for(m = n/2;m>0;m/=2){
132  for(j = m;j< n;j++){
133  for(i=j-m;i>=0;i-=m){
134  if(a[i+m]>=a[i])
135  break;
136  else{
137  mid = a[i];
138  a[i] = a[i+m];
139  a[i+m] = mid;
140  }
141  }
142  }
143  }
144 }
161 int ssort(int *indices, int count, int flag){
162  int i, n;
163  int *ptr_i, *ptr_o;
164  switch(flag){
165  case 0 :
166  quick_sort(indices, 0, count-1);
167  break;
168  case 1 :
169  bubble_sort(indices, count);
170  break;
171  case 2 :
172  insertion_sort(indices, count);
173  break;
174  case 3 :
175  n=counting_sort(indices, count);
176  return n;
177  case 4 :
178  shell_sort(indices, count);
179  break;
180  }
181  ptr_i = indices;
182  ptr_o = indices;
183  n=1;
184  for(i=0; i<count-1; i++){
185  ptr_i++;
186  if(*ptr_i != *ptr_o){
187  ptr_o++;
188  n++;
189  *ptr_o = *ptr_i;
190  }
191  }
192  return n;
193 }
195 //optimized version is faster than the other implementation but there is a bug !!!
196 #ifdef W_OPENMP
197 int omp_psort_opt(int *A, int nA, int flag){
198  int i;
199  int *count, *disp;
200  int q, r;
201  int p, l;
202  int tid, nths;
203  int *buf;
204  int *ptr_i, *ptr_o;
205  int n, k, d;
207  #pragma omp parallel shared(nths)
208  {//---fork---just to get the number of threads
209  nths = omp_get_num_threads();
210  }//---join---
212  p = nA/PAGE; //number of full pages
213  q = p/nths; //full pages per thread
214  l = p%nths; //full pages left
215  r = nA%PAGE; //number of elements the last page not full
217  count = (int *) malloc(nths *sizeof(int));
218  disp = (int *) malloc(nths *sizeof(int));
220  for(i=0; i<nths; i++){
221  count[i] = q*PAGE;
222  if(i<l)
223  count[i] += PAGE;
224  if(i==l)
225  count[i] += r;
226  }
228  disp[0] = 0;
229  for(i=0; i<nths-1; i++){
230  disp[i+1] = disp[i] + count[i];
231  }
233  #pragma omp parallel private(tid, n, k, d, buf) shared(nths, A, nA, disp, count)
234  {//---fork---1st step, sort on local chunk
235  tid = omp_get_thread_num();
237  buf = (int *) malloc(nA*sizeof(int));
238  //buf = (int *) malloc(count[tid]*sizeof(int));
239  memcpy(buf, A+disp[tid], count[tid]*sizeof(int));
241  n = ssort(buf, count[tid], flag);
242  count[tid]=n;
244  memcpy(A+disp[tid], buf, n*sizeof(int));
246  nths = omp_get_num_threads();
249  k = nths;
250  d = 1;
251  while(k>1){
252  #pragma omp barrier
253  if(tid%(2*d)==0 && tid+d<nths){
254  set_or(A+disp[tid], count[tid] , A+disp[tid+d], count[tid+d], buf);
255  count[tid]=n;
256  memcpy(A+disp[tid], buf, n*sizeof(int));
257  d*=2;
258  k/=2;
259  }
260  }
261  free(buf);
262  }//---join---
264  nA=count[0];
265 // printf("\nA :");
266 // for(i=0; i<nA; i++){
267 // printf(" %d",A[i]);
268 // }
269  free(count);
270  free(disp);
271  return nA;
272 }
291 int omp_psort(int *A, int nA, int flag){
292  int i;
293  int *count, *disp;
294  int q, r;
295  int tid, nths;
296  int *buf;
297  int *ptr_i, *ptr_o;
298  int n, k, d;
300  #pragma omp parallel private(tid) shared(nths)
301  {//---fork---just to get the number of threads
302  nths = omp_get_num_threads();
303  }//---join---
305  q = nA/nths;
306  r = nA%nths;
308  count = (int *) malloc(nths *sizeof(int));
309  disp = (int *) malloc(nths *sizeof(int));
311  for(i=0; i<nths; i++){
312  if(i<r){
313  count[i] = q+1;
314  }
315  else{
316  count[i] = q;
317  }
318  }
320  disp[0] = 0;
321  for(i=0; i<nths-1; i++){
322  disp[i+1] = disp[i] + count[i];
323  }
325  #pragma omp parallel private(tid, n) shared(A, disp, count)
326  {//---fork---1st step, sort on local chunk
327  tid = omp_get_thread_num();
328  n = ssort(A+disp[tid], count[tid], flag);
329  count[tid]=n;
330  }//---join---
332  buf = (int *) malloc(nA*sizeof(int));
334  #pragma omp parallel private(tid, n, k, d) shared(nths, nA, A, disp, count, buf)
335  {//---fork---2nd step, gathering with a binary tree scheme
336  tid = omp_get_thread_num();
337  nths = omp_get_num_threads();
338  k = nths;
339  d = 1;
340  while(k>1){
341  if(tid%(2*d)==0 && tid+d<nths){
342 // printf("\nd %d, thread %d, count+ %d, disp %d",d , tid, count[tid], disp[tid]);
343  n = card_or(A+disp[tid], count[tid] , A+disp[tid+d], count[tid+d]);
344  set_or(A+disp[tid], count[tid] , A+disp[tid+d], count[tid+d], buf+disp[tid]);
345  count[tid]=n;
346  memcpy(A+disp[tid], buf+disp[tid], n*sizeof(int));
347  d*=2;
348  k/=2;
349  }
350  #pragma omp barrier
351  }
352  }//---join---
354  nA=count[0];
355  free(buf);
356  free(count);
357  free(disp);
358  return nA;
359 }
360 #endif
364 int sorted(int *indices, int count){
365  int i=0;
366  while(i<count-2){
367  if(indices[i]>indices[i+1]){
368  return 1;
369  }
370  else{
371  i++;
372  }
373  }
374  return 0;
375 }
377 int monotony(int *indices, int count){
378  int i=0;
379  while(i<count-2){
380  if(indices[i]>=indices[i+1]){
381  return 1;
382  }
383  else{
384  i++;
385  }
386  }
387  return 0;
388 }