WMAP Foregrounds

Using five year WMAP full sky observations at 23, 33, 41, 61, and 94 GHz, we estimate full sky foreground temperature anisotropies in the five frequency channels of observation. These maps are obtained by subtracting from the original observations an estimate of the CMB emission at proper resolution (reconstructed via a set of localised minimum variance linear combinations on a frame of spherical needlets). We obtain five full sky foreground maps with low CMB contamination, each at the resolution of the corresponding WMAP channel. The residual noise in the foreground maps can be subsequently reduced by Wiener filtering in harmonic or needlet space. A file giving the WMAP beams (harmonic space coefficients) is also provided below for completeness.

The preprint describing the method, and the corresponding data products can be downloaded here.


foreground_k.fitsForeground map at WMAP K channel resolution 12 MBFITS
foreground_ka.fitsForeground map at WMAP Ka channel resolution12 MBFITS
foreground_q.fitsForeground map at WMAP Q channel resolution12 MBFITS
foreground_v.fitsForeground map at WMAP V channel resolution12 MBFITS
foreground_w.fitsForeground map at WMAP W channel resolution12 MBFITS
beam_bl.txtWMAP beams (total response in harmonic space)80 KBASCIIN/A
combine_beam.txtGaussian FWHM approximate of latitude-dependent Wiener filter4 KBASCIIN/A

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