Using five year WMAP full sky observations at 23, 33, 41, 61, and 94 GHz, and the 100 micron IRIS map, we estimate the full sky CMB temperature anisotropies via a set of localised minimum variance linear combinations on a frame of spherical needlets. We obtain two full sky, low foreground contamination maps of the CMB, one at the resolution of the WMAP W channel, and a Wiener-filtered version at lower effective resolution, but with minimum integrated error.

The preprint describing the method, and the corresponding data products can be downloaded here.


map_cmb_ilc.fitsNeedlet ILC CMB map at WMAP W channel resolution 12 MBFITS
map_cmb_wiener.fitsWiener filtered version of the CMB map12 MBFITS
beam_bl.txtBeams (total response in harmonic space)46 kBASCII
noise_nl.txtNoise power spectrum30 kBASCII
noise_stddev.fitsNoise standard deviation map12 MBFITS
alm_noise_100MC.tar.gz100 Monte-Carlo noise simulations695 MBTAR.GZN/A

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