Wednesday, September 19, 2012 (Amphitheater Pierre Gilles de Gennes)

Time Speaker          Title
  8:30AM - 9:15AM Registration
  9:15AM - 9:25AM Scientific Organizing Committee Welcome address and organizational issues
Chair: Carlo Baccigalupi
  9:25AM - 10:05AM George Smoot Cosmology and Cosmic Microwave Background
10:05AM - 10:45AM Lloyd Knox Big overview
10:45AM - 11:15AM Coffee break
Chair: Reijo Keskitalo
11:15AM - 11:55AM Ethan Anderes Shrinking the quadratic estimator
11:55AM - 12:15PM Sigurd Næss Methodology and lessons from the QUIET Maximum Likelihood map-maker
12:15PM - 12:35PM Stephen Feeney A robust constraint on cosmic textures from the cosmic microwave background
12:35PM - 2:15PM Lunch break
Chair: Carmelita Carbone
  2:15PM - 2:55PM Joanna Dunkley Sampling for Cosmic Microwave Background analysis
2:55PM - 3:15PM Anais Rassat Removal of two large scale Cosmic Microwave Background anomalies after subtraction of the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect
  3:15PM - 3:55PM Sivan Toledo Discrete Aspects of High-Performance Iterative Linear Solvers
  3:55PM - 4:25PM Coffee break
Chair: Paul Sutter
  4:25PM - 5:05PM Gersande Fort Adaptive and Interacting Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian analysis
  5:05PM - 5:25PM Jason McEwen Spherical wavelet-Bayesian cosmic string tension estimation
  5:25PM - 5:45PM Frederic Guilloux Power spectrum estimation on the sphere using wavelets
  5:45PM - 6:05PM Mathieu Remazeilles Reconstruction of high-resolution SZ maps from heterogeneous datasets using needlets